2010年9月30日 星期四

whiteboardjournal 10‘10/1-郭英聲跨界合作

New Balance introduces the TriColor Collection
(10th October 2010) In previous years, New Balance’s annual APAC (Asia-Pacific) project has been grounded in Asian culture, producing exclusive footwear collections such as the Hungry Dragon, China Mask and Feral Creation. However this year, the project takes a break from the artist/store collaborations and goes back to the company’s sports heritage of classic running footwear designs with the Tricolor collection.

New Balance took inspiration from their past, applying three of their heritage footwear colors – burgundy red,navy blue and classic gray – onto a pack of limited edition running shoes.

The highlight of the TriColor collection will be the CM1500SB, which is inspired by the recent re-released of the original M1300JP cult favorite that is highly revered by New Balance fans and collectors worldwide. The CM1500SB is individually numbered and limited to 600 pairs worldwide and is a showcase of New Balance’s heritage and history. It is made from premium nubuck and mesh, and will only be available at select top-tier New Balance accounts. The CM1500SB comes with heritage print inserts, shoe bag and in a special drawer box.

On a wider scale, the hybrid M150 model – a modern interpretation of the 1500 classic design – has been made over in burgundy red, navy blue and classic gray colorways. The uppers of the three shoes are made up of a mixture of suede, leather, nylon mesh and synthetic materials, and will be available at key New Balance stockists worldwide.

The launch of the collection will be supported by an exhibition of photos based on the TriColor theme titled ‘Your Balance. Your Color’. The photo exhibition is the finale of “Balance is Everywhere” campaign in 2010. Now for the first time, New Balance brings together 3 renowned photographic artists in Asia – Mr. Kim Hyeon Seong (Editor-in-chief of OhBoy! magazine) from Korea, admired for his fashionable and unique
everyday visuals, Mr. Masatoshi Nagase (award winning actor) from Japan for his storytelling images and Mr. Quo Ying Sheng (Art Director and artist) from Taiwan for his contemporary and artistic crossovers.

The photographic works of the artists will also be compiled into an album that will be sold at New Balance stores, with proceeds from the sales going towards the visually impaired communities within the respective city.

The ‘Your Balance. Your color’ photo exhibition will run from: Sept 27 – Oct 3, 2010, at the Omotesando Stadium, Tokyo. The ‘Your Balance. Your Color’ photo exhibition will kick-off at the Omotesando Stadium,Tokyo, from Sept 27 – Oct 3, 2010.
The New Balance Tricolor collection and charity photo album will be hitting stores on 10/10/10.
The CM1500SB will be available at LeftFoot and Limited Edt Vault while the M150 will be available at Leftfoot, Limited Edtstores and New Balance Concept Stores.
For more information please visit www.newbalance.com.sg/lifestyle

boardsandstuff 10‘9/18-郭英聲跨界合作

New Balance APAC Project 2010
The ‘Tricolor’ Collection

In previous years, New Balance’s annual APAC (Asia-Pacific) project has been grounded in Asian culture, producing exclusive footwear collections such as the Hungry Dragon, China Mask and Feral Creation. However this year, the project takes a break from the artist/store collaborations and goes back to the company’s sports heritage of classic running footwear designs with the Tricolor collection.New Balance took inspiration from their past, applying three of their heritage footwear colors – burgundy red, navy blue and classic gray – onto a pack of limited edition running shoes.The highlight of the TriColor collection will be the CM1500SB, which is inspired by the recent re-release of the original M1300JP cult favorite that is highly revered by New Balance fans and collectors worldwide. The CM1500SB is individually numbered and limited to 600 pairs worldwide and is a showcase of New Balance’s heritage and history. It is made from premium nubuck and mesh, and will only be available at select top-tier New Balance accounts. The CM1500SB comes with heritage print inserts, shoe bag and in a special drawer box.

On a wider scale, the hybrid M150 model – a modern interpretation of the 1500 classic design – has been made over in burgundy red, navy blue and classic gray colorways. The uppers of the three shoes are made up of a mixture of suede, leather, nylon mesh and synthetic materials, and will be available at key New Balance stockists worldwide.

The launch of the collection will be supported by an exhibition of photos based on the TriColor theme titled ‘Your Balance. Your Color’. The photo exhibition is the finale of “Balance is Everywhere” campaign
in 2010. Now for the first time, New Balance brings together 3 renowned photographic artists in Asia – Mr. Kim Hyeon Seong (Editor-in-chief of OhBoy! magazine) from Korea, admired for his fashionable and unique everyday visuals, Mr. Masatoshi Nagase (award winning actor) from Japan for his storytelling images and Mr. Quo Ying Sheng (Art Director and artist) from Taiwan for his contemporary and artistic crossovers.

The photographic works of the artists will also be compiled into an album that will be sold at New Balance stores, with proceeds from the sales going towards the visually impaired communities within the respective city.

Available at LeftFoot, Limited Edition, New Balance Concept Stores;

シブヤ経済新聞 10‘9/29-郭英聲跨界合作


東京メトロ表参道駅構内で9月27日、シューズメーカーのニューバランス(以下NB)ジャパン(中央区)による写真展「Your Balance. Your Color」が始まった。

 日本や韓国、シンガポールなどアジア諸国共同で商品開発、ブランド認知拡大などを目的に展開している「アジアパシフィック共同プロジェクト」の一環で開かれている同展。プロジェクト第4弾となるコレクション「M150 new balance tricolor」の発売を記念し、コレクションに使用するグレー・ネービー・バーガンディーの3色をコンセプトに、写真家3人が撮影した作品を掲出している。

 参加したのは、日本から永瀬正敏さん(グレー)、台湾からQuo Ying Shengさん(ネービー)、韓国から=Kim Hyeon Seongさん(バーガンディー)で、それぞれの色ごとに「生活の中のバランス」を表現した。作品は、全長20メートル以上あるコンコースのB1・B2出口に通じる壁面と、改札内にある11本の柱巻きに展示している。



sneakerfreaker 10‘9/30-郭英聲跨界合作


NewBalance news blog 10‘9/24-郭英聲跨界合作

150 new balance tricolor 9.27 先行発売決定!

溯ることおよそ3年前、2007年にM574をベースに大胆なドラゴンの刺繍を施した"Hungry Dragon"をリリースし日本国内でも大きな話題を呼んだアジアパシフィック共同プロジェクト(APAC)
そのAPACより第4弾となるコレクション『M150 new balance tricolor』がこの秋、満を持して発売となります。




また、コレクションの発売を記念して9月27日(月)~10月3日(日)の間、東京メトロ表参道駅構内にて”Your Balance. Your Color”フォトギャラリーを開催いたします。
ファッションの街、表参道の駅がnew balance tricolorに染まる1週間。これは見逃せません!!!


轉載自NewBalance news blog

NewBalance 10'/September-郭英聲跨界合作



NewBalance寫真展「Your Balance. Your Color」

明周時尚 10'/September-記憶中的風景 · 郭英聲




